中国への旅行者はQRコード要求される【チャイナ・イン・フォーカス】china in focus


中国を訪れる米国の旅行者全員は入国のために承認済のQR健康コードを提示する必要があります。健康コードは登録者の滞在場所や最近のウイルス検査情報を監視するために使われます。新唐人のDon Ma記者がお伝えします。

12月1日から、米国から中国へ行く旅行者は全員、駐米中国大使館が発行するQRコードを入手する必要があります。中国大使館のウェブサイトによると、中国へ行く旅行客はまずウイルス検査を受け、検査結果 パスポート 旅行日程 その他の書類を中国大使館に提出する必要があります。旅行者にその後 総領事から健康証明書、もしくは健康証明QRコードが発行されます。


しかしNGO「Human Rights Watch」のケネス・ロス事務局長はツイッターで警告し、QRコードシステムが登録者の監視を目的として、CCPに利用されるだろうと指摘しています。

中国問題のコメンテーターであるGu Hua氏もQRコードのもう一つの目的について説明しています。



健康QRコードシステムは中国国内では既に広く普及されています。システムは登録者の活動を記録し、ウイルス感染のリスクを評価します。登録者の行先に関する詳細なデータが収集されます。例えば 訪れた都市や町、商店街、公共スペース、そして公共交通機関の使用など。

大連市元警察官のLiu Xiaobin氏の話では、健康追跡は欧米では任意だが中国では違うといいます。
「いわゆる健康コードは 諸外国では自主的なもの。しかし中国ではCCPの管理下で義務になっている。国民のほぼ全員が 健康コードを所持しており、中国共産党は健康コードを使ってリアルタイムで人々を監視しているのだ」


諜報および戦略会社「Black Ops Partners」のCEOであるCasey Fleming氏は大紀元にこう語りました。


QR code required for China bound travelers

And a new regulation from the Chinese embassy.
All US travelers headed to China will soon be required to carry an approved QR health code to enter the country.
The codes are used to monitor users whereabouts and their recent virus test information.
We go to NTD’s Don Ma for the story.

Starting December 1st, everyone traveling from the US to China must obtain a QR code issued by the US Chinese embassy.
According to the Chinese embassy’s website, passengers bound for China are first required to take virus tests, as well as submit their results, passport, itinerary and other documents to the Chinese embassy.
Travelers will then be issued a health declaration certificate or HDC QR code from the embassy general.

In China, the barcodes are used to store information.
When scanned they reflect the person’s virus testing status and are also used for contact tracing and tracking cross-border travel.
The new regulation comes on the heels of the QR code proposal imposed by Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping
He says he hopes more countries will adopt the system,.

But executive director of NGO Human Rights Watch, Kenneth Roth, warned in a twitter post,
that the QR code system will be used by the CCP to conduct surveillance on its users.
“China affairs commentator Gu Hua also explained another purpose for the codes,
to monitor foreigners movements inside China.”

“After entering customs, the QR code will be made for you.
When you take the QR code to enter mainland China, you must show the QR code when you travel and port public transit.
At this moment, the database will know which bus you took, the time and location.
If you stay in a hotel, the hotel will also require you to show the QR code.”

The Health QR code system is already widely used in China.
The system records the user’s movements to assess their risk of contracting the virus.
It collects detailed data on where users have been including tracking travel through cities, streets, shopping, districts public spaces as well as the use of public transit.

Former Dalian city police officer, Liu Xiaobin, says health tracking is optional in the western world, but not in China.
“The so-called health code is voluntary in foreign countries, but when it comes to China, under the rule of the CCP, this thing becomes mandatory.
Almost everyone in the country has this health code, and the CCP has been monitoring people in real time through this health code.”

In August, NTD sister media the EPOCH TIMES obtained internal documents that revealed Chinese police have access to health code data.
This means the regime can use the system to suppress dissidents, political prisoners and human rights defenders.
Casey Fleming CEO of intelligence and strategy firm ‘Black Ops Partners’ told the EPOCH TIMES
“that the CCP is in absolute control in China.
There are no checks and balances to prevent abuse of information collected from the health code system.”

